Sp Meaning Format Example Filename
-- -------------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------
%c crc32 of the cwd trace.%c trace.1258863198.xt
%p pid trace.%p trace.5174.xt
%r random number trace.%r trace.072db0.xt
%s script name prof.%s prof._home_httpd_html_test_xdebug_test_php
%t timestamp (seconds) trace.%t trace.1179434742.xt
%u timestamp (microseconds) trace.%u trace.1179434749_642382.xt
%H $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] trace.%H trace.kossu.xt
%R $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] trace.%R trace._test_xdebug_test_php_var=1_var2=2.xt
%S session_id (from $_COOKIE) trace.%S trace.c70c1ec2375af58f74b390bbdd2a679d.xt
%% literal % trace.%% trace.%%.xt
On !Windows, if a profiling file is open, a random string will be
attached to prevent file corruption.