You can set a window's default size with:

<?php $window->set_default_size($width$height); ?>
And to set a window's initial position:

<?php $window->set_position($position); ?>
Where $position can be 'center' (center of screen), 'mouse' (under the cursor), or 'none' (let the window manager place it).

If you want to make window respond to resizing in a certain way, you have to set its policy.

<?php $window->set_policy($allow_shrink$allow_grow$auto_shrink); ?>
While each argument is a boolean, there are only two useful combinations of them: one to allow the window to be resized by a user, and one to disallow resizing.

->set_policy(falsetruefalse); // allow user resizing
$window->set_policy(falsefalsetrue); // disallow user resizing