Best Practices |
2024-11-29 |
33 |
There is only so much you can do without changing your code. Your main speedups are usually going to
come from rethinking your approach if it proves to be too slow.
Change the Rules!
$xml = domxml_open_file('menu.xml');
$xsl = domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file('menu.xsl');
$out = $xsl->process($xml);
echo $out->dump_mem();
$menu = apc_fetch('menu');
if(!$menu) {
$dom = domxml_open_file('menu.xml');
$root = $dom->document_element();
$node = $root->first_child();
while($node) {
$subnode = $node->first_child();
while($subnode) {
if(isset($subnode->tagname)) {
$menu[$i][$subnode->tagname] = $subnode->get_content();
$subnode = $subnode->next_sibling();
$node = $node->next_sibling();
foreach($menu as $item) {
echo <<<EOT
<div style="background-color:teal;color:white;padding:4px">
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:white">$item[name]</span>
- $item[price]
<div style="margin-left:20px;margin-bottom:1em;font-size:10pt">
<span style="font-style:italic">($item[calories] calories per serving)</span>
322 requests/sec Standard PHP 4.3
325 requests/sec Turn on Output Buffering
325 requests/sec variables_order from EGPCS to GPC
345 requests/sec Compile PHP with non-pic patch
355 requests/sec Compile PHP with non-pic and syscall patch
385 requests/sec Standard PHP + APC
425 requests/sec syscall+nonpic+GPC+APC
570 requests/sec by cheating
570 is 2,052,000 requests/hour or 49,248,000 request/day