It is inevitable that some queries will fail and to resolve the
problem a mechanism is needed to detect and log those queries.
// make the sqlite resource a constant
// so that I don't need to pass the variable
// all the time.
define('sqlite_r', sqlite_open("./ip.db"));
function safe_query($query)
$res = sqlite_query($query, sqlite_r);
if (!$res) { // query failed
// numeric error code
$err_code = sqlite_last_error(sqlite_r);
printf("Query Failed %d:%s\n",
return $res;
$fp = fopen("./ip-to-country.csv", "r");
// read ip information 1 entry at a time
while (($row = fgetcsv($fp, 4096))) {
foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
$row[$key] = sqlite_escape_string($val);
$res = safe_query("INSERT INTO country_data
(cc_code_2, cc_code_3, country_name)
VALUES('{$row[2]}', '{$row[3]}', '{$row[4]}')");