A fix for the Document/Literal hole in SOAP::Lite.
use SOAP::Lite;
# define serializer
package My::Serializer;
@My::Serializer::ISA = 'SOAP::Serializer';
# methods of My::Serializer
# constructor is identical to
# SOAP::Serilizer->new, but doesn't
# add the encodingStyle
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{_attr} = {}; # kill the encodingStyle
return $self;
# we don't use the 'method' envelope for doc/lit
sub envelope { SOAP::Trace::trace('()');
my $self = shift->new;
my $type = shift;
return $self->SUPER::envelope(freeform=>@_);
my $endpoint = 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stkv3/wsdl/interopTestDocLit.wsdl';
my $uri = 'http://soapinterop.org/WSDLInteropTestDocLit';
my $action = '"http://soapinterop.org/"';
my $soapObj = SOAP::Lite->new (
'xmlschema' => '2001',
'proxy' => $endpoint,
'uri' => $uri,
'serializer' =>
My::Serializer->new ('xmlschema' => '2001')
)->on_action(sub { return $action;});
# echoString
my $data = SOAP::Data->name('echoStringParam')
my $som = $soapObj->call($data);
my $response = $som->valueof('//echoStringReturn');
print $response;