What it is and what it does
WDDX: an XML application that allows the exchange of complex data between
dissimilar programming languages. It has encoding rules for serialization of
simple (string, numeric, boolean, etc.) and compound (arrays, structures, etc.)
data types. It can be used over different transports:
Support in PHP
WDDX has been supported natively since PHP 3 was around. No need for
external libs, all you need is to set up your PHP installation using
"configure --enable-wddx ..."
Available functions
When using WDDX one needs to perform data serialization
(wddx_serialize_value, wddx_serialize_vars, wddx_add_vars), create
a data packet (wddx_packet_start, wddx_packet_end), and deserialize
the data (wddx_deserialize). It is a simple and clean process, so we
can use XML and PHP without having to create our own parsing code. ;-)