--TEST-- | title of the test |
--EXTENSIONS-- | load additional extensions |
--XFAIL-- | explain why the test is expected to fail |
--CREDITS-- | give yourself some credit for writing a test |
--SKIPIF-- | php code which prints "skip" |
--REDIRECTTEST-- | Reuse test from a different dir |
--ARGS-- | CLI args |
--POST-- | POST variables passed to test script |
--POST_RAW-- | Raw post data |
--GZIP_POST-- | Gzipped post data |
--DEFLATE_POST-- | Deflated (compressed) post data |
--PUT-- | Put data |
--GET-- | GET variables passed to test script |
--COOKIE-- | Cookie data |
--ENV-- | Environment variables |
--INI-- | each line contains an ini setting e.g. foo=bar |
--FILE-- | the test script |
--FILE_EXTERNAL-- | load the test script from file |
--FILEEOF-- | Make sure there is no trailing crlf |
--EXPECT-- | the expected output from the test script |
--EXPECTF-- | sscanf version of expected output |
--EXPECTREGEX-- | regex version of expected output |
--EXPECTHEADERS-- | Expected output headers |
--CLEAN-- | Cleanup code to run after test completes |