// author: pukomuko
// date: 2001.03.15
// web: http://pukomuko.esu.lt
// info: template engine
// copyleft license
// this software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. in no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. the origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// if you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. mail about the fact of using this class in production
// would be very appreciated.
// 4. this notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// changes:
// 2002.03.23
// - bug with templates caintaining { a { b }
// * v1.7.1
// 2002.03.03
// * fopen fread fclose instead of implode(file()), up to 3x faster
// + remove_nonjs - remove only variables that have no spaces in them
// * speed improvements, got rid of list() = each()
// + license :]
// * v1.7
// 2002.03.02
// - deleted space before each line in the parsed template.
// - error in method error() :]
// * v1.6.2 note released :]
// 2001.12.06
// - bug then text had only }
// * v1.6.1
// 2001.10.31
// + error on unclosed block
// + nested blocks
// * v1.6
// 2001.09.17
// - fixed bug with 'keep'
// 2001.09.02
// + get_var_silent()
// 2001.08.09
// + error handler
// 2001.07.04
// + one pass substitution
// 2001.05.28
// + block name recording
// * v1.5.1
// 2001.05.10
// - bug in documentation
// 2001.05.08
// * first public release v1.5
// 2001.04.04
// * changed blocks setup, constructor parameters change
// - error bug
// - some warnings
//!! core lib
//! smart template engine
define('TPL_NOLOOP', 2); // constant to identify searching for noloop statement
class phemplate
/// variables and blocks
var $vars = array();
var $loops = array();
// all found block names here
var $block_names = array();
/// dir of template files
var $root = '';
/// search for noloop tags?
var $noloop = false;
/// what to do with unknown variables in template?
var $unknowns = 'keep';
function phemplate( $root_dir = './', $unknowns = 'keep')
$this->set_var('G_PHP_SELF', $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']); // this one is always useful :)
check and set template root dir
function set_root($root)
if (!is_dir($root))
$this->error("phemplate::set_root(): $root is not a directory.", 'warning');
return false;
$this->root = $root;
return true;
what to do with unknown variables in template?
function set_unknowns($unk)
$this->unknowns = $unk;
read file template into $vars, no array of files
\param $handle - name for a block to put file data
\param $blocks - 1 for search, 2 for nested blocks
function set_file($handle, $filename = "", $blocks = false)
if ($filename == "")
$this->error("phemplate::set_file(): for handle $handle filename is empty.", 'fatal');
return false;
$this->vars[$handle] = $this->read_file($filename);
if ($blocks) { $this->extract_blocks($handle, 2 == $blocks); }
return true;
set handle and value,
if value is array, all elements will be named: handle.key.subkey
function set_var($var_name, $var_value)
if (is_array($var_value))
foreach($var_value as $key=>$value)
$this->set_var($var_name . '.' . $key, $value); // recursion for array branches
else // normal variable
$this->vars[$var_name] = $var_value;
value of $handle
function get_var($handle)
if (!isset($this->vars[$handle])) { $this->error("phemplate(): no such handle '$handle'", 'warning'); }
return $this->vars[$handle];
value of $handle, no error if no handle
function get_var_silent($handle)
if (!isset($this->vars[$handle])) { $this->vars[$handle] = ''; }
return $this->vars[$handle];
assign array to loop handle
\param $loop_name - name for a loop
\param $loop - loop data
function set_loop($loop_name, $loop)
if (!$loop) $loop = 0;
$this->loops[$loop_name] = $loop;
extracts blocks from handle, and returns cleaned up version
must be quite fast, because every found block is imediately taken out of string
won't work for nested blocks
js, 2001.10.31
works with nested blocks
function extract_blocks($bl_handle, $recurse = false)
$str = $this->get_var($bl_handle);
if (!$str) return $str;
$bl_start = 0;
// extract and clean them from parent handle
while(is_long($bl_start = strpos($str, '', $pos);
$handle = substr($str, $pos, $endpos-$pos);
$tag = '';
$endtag = '';
$block_names[$handle] = $bl_handle; // 'block' => 'file'
$start_pos = $bl_start + strlen($tag);
$end_pos = strpos($str, $endtag);
if (!$end_pos) { $this->error("phemplate(): block '$handle' has no ending tag", 'fatal'); }
$bl_end = $end_pos + strlen($endtag);
$block_code = substr($str, $start_pos, $end_pos-$start_pos);
$this->set_var($handle, $block_code);
$part1 = substr($str, 0, $bl_start);
$part2 = substr($str, $bl_end, strlen($str));
$str = $part1 . $part2;
if ($recurse) { $this->extract_blocks($handle, 1); }
$this->set_var($bl_handle, $str);
search for tags in $handle
be carefull with paths
function include_files($handle)
$str = $this->get_var($handle);
while(is_long($pos = strpos($str, '', $pos);
$filename = substr($str, $pos, $endpos-$pos);
$tag = '';
$include = $this->read_file($filename);
$str = str_replace($tag, $include, $str);
return $str;
searches for all set loops in $handle
\param $noloop - must be true, if you want noloop statement
\return text of $handle with parsed loops
function parse_loops($handle, $noloop = false)
$str = $this->get_var($handle);
while ( list($loop_name, $loop_ar) = each($this->loops) )
$start_tag = strpos($str, '');
$start_pos = $start_tag + strlen('');
if (!$start_pos) continue;
$end_pos = strpos($str, '');
$loop_code = substr($str, $start_pos, $end_pos-$start_pos);
$org_loop_code = $loop_code;
$start_tag = substr($str, $start_tag, strlen(''));
$end_tag = substr($str, $end_pos, strlen(''));
if($loop_code != ''){
$new_code = '';
// clean ');
$nl_start_pos = $nl_start_tag + strlen('');
if ($nl_start_pos)
$nl_end_pos = strpos($loop_code, '');
$noloop_code = substr($loop_code, $nl_start_pos, $nl_end_pos - $nl_start_pos);
$nl_start_tag = substr($loop_code, $nl_start_tag, strlen(''));
$nl_end_tag = substr($loop_code, $nl_end_pos, strlen(''));
$loop_code = str_replace($nl_start_tag.$noloop_code.$nl_end_tag, '', $loop_code);
if (is_array($loop_ar))
// repeat for every row in array
// for (reset($loop_ar); $row = current($loop_ar); next($loop_ar))
$ar_keys = array_keys($loop_ar);
$ar_size = count($ar_keys);
for($i = 0; ($i< $ar_size); $i++)
$temp_code = $loop_code;
foreach( $loop_ar[$ar_keys[$i]] as $k=>$v)
$temp_code = str_replace( '{'. $loop_name. '.' .$k. '}', $v, $temp_code);
$new_code .= $temp_code;
} // for loop
} elseif ($noloop)
$new_code = $noloop_code;
$str = str_replace($start_tag.$org_loop_code.$end_tag, $new_code, $str);
} // if loop code
} // repeat for loop names
return $str;
substitute text of $handle and returns parsed string
function parse($handle)
$str = $this->get_var($handle);
// old code for doing vars substitution very inefficient
while ( list($k, $v) = each($this->vars) )
$str = str_replace ('{'. $k .'}', $v, $str);
$str = explode('{', $str);
for ($i = 0; isset($str[$i]); $i++)
$line = explode('}', $str[$i]);
if (count($line) == 1)
$out[$i]['key'] = '';
$out[$i]['str'] = $line[0];
$out[$i]['close'] = 0;
elseif (0 == $i)
$out[$i]['key'] = '';
$out[$i]['str'] = implode('}', $line);
$out[$i]['close'] = 0;
$out[$i]['key'] = $line[0];
$out[$i]['str'] = implode('}', $line);
$out[$i]['close'] = 1;
if (isset($out[0]))
$str = $out[0]['str'];
$str = '';
for ($i = 1; isset($out[$i]); $i++)
if ( $out[$i]['key'] && isset($this->vars[$out[$i]['key']]) )
$out[$i]['key'] = $this->vars[$out[$i]['key']];
switch ($this->unknowns)
case "keep":
if ($out[$i]['close'])
$out[$i]['key'] = '{' . $out[$i]['key'] . '}';
$out[$i]['key'] = '{' . $out[$i]['key'];
case "remove":
$out[$i]['key'] = '';
case "remove_nonjs":
if ($out[$i]['key'] && (false === strpos($out[$i]['key'], ' ')))
$out[$i]['key'] = '';
if ($out[$i]['close'])
$out[$i]['key'] = '{' . $out[$i]['key'] . '}';
$out[$i]['key'] = '{' . $out[$i]['key'];
case "comment":
$out[$i]['key'] = '';
case "space":
$out[$i]['key'] = ' ';
$str .= $out[$i]['key'] . $out[$i]['str'];
return $str;
process left variables
deprecated: parse() now handles unknown variables
function finish($str)
switch ($this->unknowns)
case "keep":
case "remove":
$str = preg_replace('/{[^ \t\r\n}]+}/', "", $str);
case "comment":
$str = preg_replace('/{([^ \t\r\n}]+)}/', "", $str);
case "space":
$str = preg_replace('/{([^ \t\r\n}]+)}/', " ", $str);
return $str;
does everything: loops, includes, variables, concatenation
\param $append - append processed stuff to target, else $target is overwritten
\return - processed $target
function process($target, $handle, $loop = false, $include = false, $append = false, $finish = false)
if ($append and isset($this->vars[$target]))
$app = $this->get_var($target); // preserve old info
$app = '';
$this->set_var($target, $this->get_var($handle)); // copy contents
if ($include) { $this->set_var($target, $this->include_files($target)); }
if ($loop == TPL_NOLOOP) { $this->set_var($target, $this->parse_loops($target, $loop)); }
elseif ($loop) { $this->set_var($target, $this->parse_loops($target)); }
if ($append) { $this->set_var($target, $app . $this->parse($target)); }
else { $this->set_var($target, $this->parse($target)); }
if ($finish) { $this->set_var($target, $this->finish($this->get_var($target))); }
return $this->get_var($target);
spits out file contents
function read_file($filename)
$filename = $this->root . $filename;
if (!file_exists($filename))
$this->error("phemplate::read_file(): file $filename does not exist.", 'fatal');
$tmp = fread($fp = fopen($filename, 'r'), filesize($filename));
return $tmp;
add root folder info to filename
function filename($filename)
if (substr($filename, 0, 1) != '/')
$filename = $this->root.'/'.$filename;
if (!file_exists($filename))
$this->error("phemplate::filename(): file $filename does not exist.", 'fatal');
return $filename;
free mem used by loop
function drop_loop($handle)
if (isset($this->loops[$handle])) unset($this->loops[$handle]);
free mem used by var
function drop_var($handle)
if (isset($this->vars[$handle])) unset($this->vars[$handle]);
error report
function error( $msg, $level = '')
echo "\n
$level: $msg
if ('fatal' == $level) { exit; }