Let's have a look at how we might benchmark and subsequently tune a PHP server.
We will use two machines. A client machine to run our HTTP load program
(http_load from acme.com) and a P4 1.7G server with 256M of RAM. We will also
be using 3 freely available opcode caches:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html><head><title>Simple PHP Benchmark</title></head>
<h1>String Manipulation</h1>
$str = 'This is just a silly benchmark that doesn\'t do anything useful.';
$str .= 'Here we are just uppercasing the first two characters of every word ';
$str .= 'in this long string';
$parts = explode(' ',$str);
foreach($parts as $part) {
$new[] = strtoupper(substr($part,0,2)).substr($part,2);
echo implode(' ',$new);
<h1>Including 2 files</h1>
include './bench_include1.inc';
include './bench_include2.inc';
<h1>for-loop and calling a function many times</h1>
$a = range(1,200);
$b = range(200,1);
for($i=0; $i<200; $i++) {
echo foo($a[$i],$b[$i]);
<h1>Define and Instantiate an object and call some methods</h2>
class test_class {
var $test_var1;
var $test_var2;
var $test_var3;
var $test_var4;
function test_class($arg1, $arg2) {
echo "Constructor args: $arg1, $arg2<br />\n";
function set_var1($value) {
$this->test_var1 = $value;
echo "test_var1 property set to $value<br />\n";
return true;
function set_var2($value) {
$this->test_var2 = $value;
echo "test_var2 property set to $value<br />\n";
return true;
function set_var3($value) {
$this->test_var3 = $value;
echo "test_var3 property set to $value<br />\n";
return true;
function set_var4($value) {
$this->test_var4 = $value;
echo "test_var4 property set to $value<br />\n";
return true;
function disp() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
$obj = new test_class(1,'arg2');
$obj->set_var3($a); /* Array from previous test */
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />
This is just a bunch of plain text in an include file.<br />