In PHP 4, there was no concept of object properity protection. i.e. any chunk of code could modify a member variable's value.

PHP 5 now provides ways to prevent that from happening by introducing private, public, and protected member variables and methods.

class foo {
/* Only accessable within an instance of foo */
private $foovar;
/* Accessable from foo, or a subclass of foo */
protected $foofamilyvar;
/* Accessable from anywhere */
public $a_var;

        public function 
mypublicfunc() { /* ... */ }

        private function 
myprivatefunc() { /* ... */ }

        protected function 
myprotectedfunc() { /* ... */ }

bar extends foo {

        public function 
modify() {
$this->foofamilyvar true;

$var_one = new foo();
$var_two = new bar();

$var_one->a_var 10/* acceptable, public variable */
$var_one->foofamilyvar true/* error, protected var */
$var_one->foovar "Hi!" /* error, private var */

$var_two->modify(); /* modifies the variable */
