// Clean out the table to we don't have old crap for this slide
@mysql_db_query("mydb","delete from comments");
?>SQL'izing the Guestbook Example
Recall our file-driven guestbook example from earlier. We are
going to convert this into an SQL-driven guestbook by first creating a
database, then a schema for the table where we will store the data and then we
will modify the code.
<h1>Welcome to my Guestbook</h1>
<h2>Please write me a little note below</h2>
<form action="<? echo $PHP_SELF?>" method="POST">
<textarea cols=40 rows=5 name="note"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value=" Send it ">
if(isset($note)) {
$fp = fopen("notes.txt","a");
<h2>The entries so far:</h2>
<? @ReadFile("notes.txt") ?>
Create a database
Create a Schema
CREATE TABLE comments (
id int(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
comment text,
ts datetime,