if (!class_exists('gtk')) {
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN')
* Called when delete-event happens. Returns false to indicate that the event
* should proceed.
function delete_event()
return false;
* Create a new top-level window and connect the signals to the appropriate
* functions. Note that all constructors must be assigned by reference.
$window = &new GtkWindow();
$window->connect_object('destroy', array('gtk', 'main_quit'));
$window->connect('delete-event', 'delete_event');
* Create a button and connect its 'clicked' signal to destroy() function.
$button = &new GtkButton('Close');
$button->connect_object('clicked', array('gtk', 'main_quit'));
* Create a vertical layout box.
$box = &new GtkVBox(false, 10);
* Create a list widget and populate it with month names.
$list = &new GtkList();
foreach (range(1, 12) as $month_num)
$items[] = &new GtkListItem(strftime('%B', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month_num)));
* Create a scrolled window and add the list widget to it - this provides
* automatic scrollbars.
$scrolled_window = &new GtkScrolledWindow();
$scrolled_window->set_policy(GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
* Add scrolled window and button to the vertical layout box.
$box->pack_start($button, false);
* Add layout box to the window, set window attributes and show everything.
$window->set_title('PHP Rules!');
$window->set_usize(150, 200);
/* Run the main loop. */