require_once "globals.inc";
require_once "DB.php";
* Function to retrieve a list of PDB ids
* @param string $metal metal symbol
* @param string $mode one of: first, last, random, new
* @param int $count number of entries to retrieve
* @return mixed array of results on sucess, false or a DB_Error otherwise
function &getPDBFromMetal($metal, $mode, $count) {
$fields = "distinct site.metal, protein.source_id, ";
$fields .= "DATE_FORMAT(protein.rev_date, '%Y/%m/%d') as revision_date,";
$fields .= "DATE_FORMAT(protein.dep_date, '%Y/%m/%d') as deposition_date,";
$fields .= "protein.expdata, protein.r_value, protein.resolution,";
$fields .= "protein.authors, protein.description";
$from = "from site,protein";
$where = "where site.metal = '$metal' and site.source_id = protein.source_id";
switch ($mode) {
case "last" :
$ordlim = " order by protein.source_id DESC limit $count";
case "new" :
$ordlim = " order by protein.rev_date DESC limit $count";
case "random" :
$ordlim = "";
case "first" :
$ordlim = " order by protein.source_id ASC limit $count";
$query = "select $fields $from $where $ordlim";
$c = @DB::connect(MDB_DATA_DSN);
if (is_object($c) && !DB::isError($c)) {
$result = $c->getAll($query);
if (!is_array($result))
return false;
if ($mode == "random") {
$n = count($result);
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
srand((float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000));
$indexlist = array_rand(range(0, $n - 1), $count);
$randomresult = array();
foreach ($indexlist as $index)
$randomresult[] = $result[$index];
return $randomresult;
} else {
return $result;
} else {
return new DB_Error("Error while accessing database -- ".$c->getMessage());