By stashing data in a global variable, we can speed both initial computations (since fib() is recursive) as well as future invocations in the same process.

Neive Fib()
function Fib($n) {
  if (
$n == || $n == 1) {
  } else {
Fib($n 2) + Fib($n 1);
Fib() with Caching
= array(=> 1
=> 1);

Fib($n) {
  if (!
is_int($n) || $n 0) {
$FV[$n])) {
$FV[$n] = Fib($n 2) + Fib($n 1);
PHP5 Fib()
class Fibonacci {
  static $values = array(0 => 1, 
                         1 => 1);
  static function num($n) {
    if (!is_int($n) || $n < 0) {
	  return 0;
    if (!isset(self::$values[$n])) {
      self::$values[$n] = self::num($n -2) + 
	                      self::num($n - 1);

    return self::$values[$n];