PHP 5.4

Performance Improvements

✔ Built-in Web Server

✔ Traits aka Horizontal Code Reuse

        (Compiler-assisted Copy-and-Paste)

✔ Short Array Syntax

= [123];
$b = ['foo' => 'orange''bar' => 'apple'];

✔ Function Array Dereferencing

function fruits() {
  return array(
fruits()[0]; // Outputs: apple

✔ $this from current scope supported in Closures

class Foo {
$prop "bar";
  public function 
getPrinter() {
    return function() { echo 
ucfirst($this->prop); };

$a = new Foo;
$func $a->getPrinter();
$func(); // Outputs: Bar

✔ <?= is now always available

✔ New Session Object

✔ Callable Typehint

✔ Better support for asian chars in htmlspecialchars/htmlentities

✔ Multibyte support is now configurable at runtime

✔ JSON Improvements

class Foo implements JsonSerializable {
$data 'Bar';
    public function 
jsonSerialize() {
        return array(
json_encode(new Foo); // Outputs: {"data":"Bar"}

✔ mysqlnd used by default everywhere

✔ iterator support added to mysqli (mysqli_result implements Traversable)

✔ Binary notation


✔ AES Support added to OpenSSL

✔ Tokyo Cabinet and DB5 support added to dba

✔ Added stack frame count arg to debug_backtrace()


✔ Apache 2.4 support on Windows