
New Output API (internal code cleanup)

Session entropy from /dev/urandom by default

<?= is now always available

default charset is UTF-8 instead of ISO-8859-1

Multibyte support is now configurable at runtime

Better support for asian chars in htmlspecialchars/htmlentities

INI directive to disable POST data processing

XSLT writes are disabled by default now

Added AES support to OpenSSL

debug_backtrace() now takes optional arg to limit number of stack frames returned

mysqlnd used by default unless overridden by ./configure

file upload progress support in Session extension

TZ env var is ignored - UTC if not otherwise set

REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT has microsecond precision and is a double now

proper readline support for php -a


crypt() in Blowfish mode now supports hashes marked $2a$, $2x$, $2y$ and $2z$

Added support for SORT_NATURAL and SORT_FLAG_CASE in all array sort functions