Modern PHP

Mexico City - in person 🎉

Dec.7, 2022

Rasmus Lerdorf

PHP at Etsy

  • Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
  • Memcache, Gearman, StatsD, Vitess, Redis, Kafka, Varnish
  • GCP, Terraform

API First!


We built our own over the years

(bad idea, don't do that)

Request Routing

.htaccess Apache rewrite rule

RewriteRule ^awesome/(\d+)$   /awesome.php?id=$1 [L,NC,QSA]


require 'bootstrap.php';
$request  = HTTP_Request::getInstance();
$response = HTTP_Response::getInstance();
$controller = new Awesome_Controller();
$controller->doCoolThings($request, $response);


class Awesome_Controller extends Controller_Base {
  public function doCoolThings($request, $response) {
    $id = $request->getGet('id', 0);
    if (!$id) {
    $thing = EtsyORM::getFinder('Thing')->findById($id);
    $stuff = Api::endpoint('AwesomeStuff', [$thing->id, 'max'=>10]);
    $this->renderViewTree(New Awesome_View($thing, $stuff));


class Awesome_View implements Neu_View {
    const TEMPLATE = "/templates/awesome/main.mustache";
    use Neu_Traits_DefaultView;

    public function __construct(AwesomeThing $thing, array $stuff) {
        $this->thing = $thing;
        $this->stuff = $stuff;
    public function getCssFiles(): array {
        return [ '/awesome/main.scss' ];
    public function getTemplateData(): array {
        return [ 'thing_id' => $this->thing->id,
                 'thing_name' => $this->thing->name,
                 'stuff' => $this->stuff ];


    <p>{{thing_name}} ({{thing_id}})</p>
        <li>{{id}} {{description}}</li>

Static Analysis

Install with composer

$ composer require --dev phan/phan

Create .phan/config.php

return [
    'target_php_version' => '8.2',
    'directory_list' => [ 'src/' ],
    "exclude_analysis_directory_list" => [ 'vendor/' ],
$ ./vendor/bin/phan

Phan in Browser

Dependency Graph Plugin

pdep example

Daemon mode

$ phan --daemonize-tcp-port default &
[1] 28610
Listening for Phan analysis requests at tcp://
Awaiting analysis requests for directory '/home/rasmus/phan_demo'

$ vi src/script.php
$ phan_client -l src/script.php
Phan error: TypeError: PhanTypeMismatchArgument: Argument 1 (union) is array{0:1} but \C::fn() takes int|string defined at src/script.php:8 in src/script.php on line 14
Phan error: TypeError: PhanTypeMismatchArgument: Argument 3 (shaped) is array{max:10} but \C::fn() takes array{mode:string,max:int} defined at src/script.php:8 in src/script.php on line 16

vim integration

Let's deploy it!


No performance hit

  • No restarts
  • No LB removal
  • No thundering herd
  • Cache reuse

Must be able to serve two versions of the site concurrently!

Requests that begin on DocumentRoot A must finish on A

Set the DocumentRoot to symlink target!

Easy with nginx

fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $realpath_root


Avoid hardcoding full paths

Watch your include_path setting

incpath extension can resolve your include_path for you

Version all static assets

DB Schema changes need special care

Version Support

Active Support Regular releases and security fixes
Security Fixes Only security fixes
End of Life No longer supported

PHP 8.0

Named Arguments

htmlspecialchars($string, double_encode: false);

Constructor Property Promotion

class User {
    function __construct(public string $name, private string $pwd = "") { }

Nullsafe Operator with short-circuiting

$country = $session?->user?->getAddress(geoip())?->country;

Match Expression, Union Types

function days_in_month(string|int $month, int $year): int {
  $leap = $year % 400;
    $leap = !$leap|!($leap%4)&!!($leap%100); // 👀

  return match(is_string($month) ? strtolower(substr($month, 0, 3)) : $month) {
    'apr', 4, 'jun', 6, 'sep', 9, 'nov', 11  => 30,
    'jan', 1, 'mar', 3, 'may', 5, 'jul', 7, 'aug', 8, 'oct', 10, 'dec', 12 => 31,
    'feb', 2 => $leap ? 29 : 28,
    default => throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid month"),


- Map objects to arbitrary values without preventing GC


- Structured metadata

function login(int $user_id, #[\SensitiveParameter] string $pwd) { }

PHP 8.1

Readonly properties

class Test {
  public readonly string $prop;

  public function __construct(string $prop) {
    $this->prop = $prop; // Initialized once in same scope

$test = new Test("foobar");
$test->prop = "foobar"; // Error


enum Suit {
  case Hearts;
  case Diamonds;
  case Clubs;
  case Spades;

function pick_a_card(Suit $suit) { ... }
pick_a_card(Suit::Clubs); // ok
pick_a_card('Spades');    // error


Full-stack interruptable functions

use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;
use React\Promise\PromiseInterface;

function await(PromiseInterface $promise, LoopInterface $loop): mixed {
  $fiber = Fiber::this();
    fn(mixed $value) => $loop->futureTick(fn() => $fiber->resume($value)),
    fn(Throwable $reason) => $loop->futureTick(fn() => $fiber->throw($reason))

  return Fiber::suspend();

Change: Static Variable Inheritance

Inherited method shares parent's static vars

class A {
  public static function counter() {
    static $i = 0;
    return ++$i;
class B extends A {}

echo A::counter();
echo A::counter();
echo B::counter();
echo B::counter();
// PHP 8.0 outputs 1212
// PHP 8.1 outputs 1234

No Return type

function redirect(string $uri): never {
  header('Location: ' . $uri);

echo "this will never be executed!";

final for class constants

class Foo {
    final public const X = "foo";

class Bar extends Foo {
    public const X = "bar";

// Fatal error: Bar::X cannot override final constant Foo::X

new expressions can be used in initializers

class Test {
  public function __construct(private Logger $logger = new NullLogger) {}

// instead of

class Test {
  private Logger $logger;

  public function __construct(?Logger $logger = null) {
        $this->logger = $logger ?? new NullLogger;

First-class callables

$fn = strlen(...);
$fn = $this->method(...)
$fn = Foo::method(...);

// instead of

$fn = Closure::fromCallable('strlen');
$fn = Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'method']);
$fn = Closure::fromCallable([Foo::class, 'method']);

Intersection types

class A {
  private Traversable&Countable $countableIterator;

  public function setIterator(Traversable&Countable $countableIterator): void {
    $this->countableIterator = $countableIterator;

  public function getIterator(): Traversable&Countable {
    return $this->countableIterator;
  • Inheritance cache (avoid relinking classes)
  • JIT improvements and add support for ARM64
  • Optimize class name resolution

PHP 8.2

Readonly Classes
readonly class Test {
  public function __construct(public string $prop) { }
$test = new Test("Hi");
var_dump($test->prop);  // Hi
$test->prop = "foobar"; // Cannot modify readonly property Test::$prop

Prevents dynamic properties

Can't be used with untyped or static properties

Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Types
class A { }
class B extends A { };
class Foo {
    public function bar((A&B)|null $entity): A&B {
        if (!$entity) $entity = new B;
        return $entity;
$c = new Foo;
$c->bar(new B);

8.0 Union Types X|Y

8.1 Intersection Types X&Y

8.2 DNF Types (X&A)|(Y&B)

Standalone null, false, and true types
class Falsy {
    public function alwaysFalse(): false { /* ... */ }

    public function alwaysTrue():  true  { /* ... */ }

    public function alwaysNull():  null  { /* ... */ }

New "Random" extension
$rng = $is_production
    ? new Random\Engine\Secure()
    : new Random\Engine\PCG64(1234);

$randomizer = new Random\Randomizer($rng);

Provides multiple RNG engines as opposed to just using Mersenne Twister

Constants in Traits
trait T {
    public const CONSTANT = 1;
    public function bar(): int {
        return self::CONSTANT;

class C {
    use T;

var_dump(C::CONSTANT); // 1

Sensitive Parameters

class User {
    function __construct(string $id, #[\SensitiveParameter] string $pwd) {
        throw new \Exception("Error");
$u = new User('rasmus', 'very-secret');
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception
Stack trace:
#0 /home/rasmus/c(7): User->__construct('rasmus', Object(SensitiveParameterValue))
#1 {main}		

Deprecate dynamic properties
class User {
    public $name;

class User2 { }

$user = new User();
$user->last_name = 'Doe'; // Deprecated notice

$user = new User2();
$user->last_name = 'Doe'; // ok

$user = new stdClass();
$user->last_name = 'Doe'; // ok


  • Deprecated dynamic properties!!
  • use Phan and #[\AllowDynamicProperties]
  • Deprecated ${var} string interpolation
  • use {$var}
  • Deprecated utf8_encode() and utf8_decode()
  • decode: use mb_convert_encoding($latin1, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1')
  • encode: use mb_convert_encoding($utf8, 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF8')
  • Functions strtolower() and strtoupper() are no longer locale-sensitive
  • Use mb_strtoupper()/mb_strtolower() if you need locale-aware conversion

Foreign Function Interface

Call a libc function

$ffi = FFI::cdef("int sched_getcpu(void);");
echo "Running on cpu " . $ffi->sched_getcpu();

Loading and calling library functions

$ffi = FFI::load("php_gifenc.h");
#define FFI_SCOPE "gifenc"
#define FFI_LIB ""

typedef struct ge_GIF {
    uint16_t w, h;
    int depth;
    int fd;
    int offset;
    int nframes;
    uint8_t *frame, *back;
    uint32_t partial;
    uint8_t buffer[0xFF];
} ge_GIF;

ge_GIF *ge_new_gif(
    const char *fname, uint16_t width, uint16_t height,
    uint8_t *palette, int depth, int loop);
void ge_add_frame(ge_GIF *gif, uint16_t delay);
void ge_close_gif(ge_GIF* gif);
$ffi = FFI::load("php_gifenc.h");

$w = 240; $h = 180;
$cols = $ffi->new("uint8_t[12]");
/* 4 colours: 000000, FF0000, 00FF00, 0000FF */
$cols[3] = 0xFF; $cols[7] = 0xFF; $cols[11] = 0xFF;

$gif = $ffi->ge_new_gif("test.gif", $w, $h, $cols, 2, 0);
for($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
    for ($j = 0; $j < $w*$h; $j++) {
        $gif->frame[$j] = ($i*6 + $j) / 12 % 8;
    $ffi->ge_add_frame($gif, 5);

Preloading FFI




foreach(glob("/var/www/html/FFI/*.php") as $file) {
    include $file;
cpp -P -C -D"__attribute__(ARGS)=" /usr/include/cpuinfo.h > cpuinfo-ffi.h

Edit cpuinfo-ffi.h and delete any inline code

Create a wrapper class

class CPUInfo {
    private static ?FFI $cpu = null;

    static function init() {
        if (self::$cpu) return;
        self::$cpu = FFI::scope("CPUINFO");

    static function name() {
        $CData = self::$cpu->cpuinfo_get_package(0);
        return FFI::string($CData[0]->name);

    static function __callStatic(string $function, array $args) {
        return self::$cpu->{'cpuinfo_'.$function}(...$args);

Mapping a C struct

class CPUFreq {
    private static ?FFI $cpu = null;

    static function init() {
        if (self::$cpu) return;
        self::$cpu = \FFI::scope("CPUFREQ");

    static function __callStatic(string $function, array $args) {
        $ret = self::$cpu->{'cpufreq_'.$function}(...$args);
        if ($ret instanceof FFI\CData) {
            switch (FFI::typeof($ret)->getName()) {
                case 'char*': $ret = FFI::string($ret); break;
                case 'struct cpufreq_policy*':
                    $ret = [ 'min' => $ret->min,
                             'max' => $ret->max,
                             'gov' => FFI::string($ret->governor) ];
        return $ret;

Calling it

$cpu_name = CPUInfo::name();
$threads = CPUInfo::get_processors_count();
$cores = CPUInfo::get_cores_count();
echo "$cores-core $cpu_name $threads threads\n";

$cpu = 0;
while(CPUFreq::cpu_exists($cpu) == 0) {
    $driver = CPUFreq::get_driver($cpu);
    $policy = CPUFreq::get_policy($cpu);
    $governor = $policy['gov'];
    $min = sprintf("%.2f", $policy['min']/1000);
    $max = sprintf("%.2f", $policy['max']/1000);
    echo "CPU " . sprintf("%02d", $cpu) .
         " $driver $governor ($min MHz - $max MHz): " .
         sprintf("%.2f", CPUFreq::get_freq_kernel($cpu)/1000) . " MHz\n";
16-core AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 32 threads
CPU 00 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 1555.64 MHz
CPU 01 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 3500.24 MHz
CPU 02 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 2333.11 MHz
CPU 03 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 1555.63 MHz
CPU 04 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 623.08 MHz
CPU 05 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 06 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 07 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 08 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 634.24 MHz
CPU 09 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 634.24 MHz
CPU 10 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 592.12 MHz
CPU 11 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 592.12 MHz
CPU 12 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 2314.04 MHz
CPU 13 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 14 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 15 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 921.44 MHz
CPU 16 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 1613.96 MHz
CPU 17 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 1960.96 MHz
CPU 18 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 2330.25 MHz
CPU 19 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 1555.87 MHz
CPU 20 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 1389.00 MHz
CPU 21 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 557.21 MHz
CPU 22 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 23 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 24 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 622.76 MHz
CPU 25 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 26 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 592.12 MHz
CPU 27 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 550.00 MHz
CPU 28 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 854.47 MHz
CPU 29 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 799.01 MHz
CPU 30 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 642.85 MHz
CPU 31 amd-pstate ondemand (550.00 MHz - 4762.00 MHz): 844.84 MHz

35+ years!

  • Bell Northern Research - Toronto
  • Northern Telecom - Toronto
  • Digital Media Networks - Toronto
  • NovAtel - Calgary
  • Nutec Informática - Porto Alegre, Brazil
  • University of Toronto IT - Toronto
  • Bell Global Solutions - Toronto
  • IBM - Raleigh, NC
  • Linuxcare - San Francisco
  • Yahoo! - Sunnyvale
  • WePay - Palo Alto
  • Etsy

Create more value than you capture. -Tim O'Reilly

Work on things that matter (to you)


Interested in joining our team?

Please email your CV/resume to