valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes -v \
         /usr/sbin/httpd -X
chmod a+rw callgrind.out.XXXX
Usage: callgrind_control [options] [ <PID>|<Name> ...]

If no PIDs/Names are given, an action is applied to all currently
active Callgrind runs. Default action is printing short information.

  -h         Print this help text
  -v         Print version
  -q         Be quiet
  -l         Print more information
  -s         Print status information
  -b         Print backtrace information
  -e [A,..]  Print event counters for A,.. [default: all]
  -d [str]   Request a profile dump, include <str> as trigger hint
  -z         Zero all cost counters
  -k         Kill
  -i on/off  Switch instrumentation state on/off
  -w <dir>   Manually specify the working directory of a callgrind run