The issue: Incorrect escaping in data storages and output.
The solution: Turn off magic_quotes in production environment and escape properly.
Undo magic_quotes.
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
strip_quotes(&$var) {
                if (
is_array($var) {
                } else {
$var stripslashes($var);

// Handle GPC
foreach (array('GET','POST','COOKIE') as $v) {
                if (!empty(${
"_".$v})) {
array_walk(${"_".$v}, 'strip_quotes');
Such recursive functions can easily be exploited - this will consume all of the servers memory and crash the script.
file_get_contents('' $qry '=1');
Use the following faster and safer script.
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$in = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE);
        while (list(
$k,$v) = each($in)) {
                foreach (
$v as $key => $val) {
                        if (!
is_array($val)) {
$in[$k][$key] = stripslashes($val);
$in[] =& $in[$k][$key];