For larger projects you want to be very careful when designing how the layers talk to each other. I like to provide a very clean API to the template layer and start each project by thinking about what the ideal template should look like.

Poll Example
Let's design a little application that allows people to answer a set of questions in various formats. We want to make it really easy for our content people to create new polls and we want to provide them with a flexible template API.

Poll Template
$os = array("FreeBSD","Linux","OSX","Windows","Other");
<p class="purpose">
Please answer a couple of questions for us.

<p class="question">
1. What is your name?
<?php text_answer('name',64)?>

<p class="question">
2. Which operating systems do you use on a daily basis?
<?php select_any_of($os)?>

<p class="question">
3. Which operating system do you prefer?
<?php select_one_of($os)?>

<?php end_poll(); ?>