✔ engine improvements
- • 100%+ performance gain on most real-world applications
- • Lower memory usage, sometimes drastically lower
✔ Persistent secondary file-based cache for OPCache
; --enable-opcache-file
; php.ini
; php-cli.ini
$ time composer >/dev/null
real 0m0.040s
user 0m0.032s
sys 0m0.004s
$ time composer >/dev/null
real 0m0.019s
user 0m0.016s
sys 0m0.000s
$ time php -d opcache.enable=0 /usr/local/bin/composer >/dev/null
real 0m0.033s
user 0m0.032s
sys 0m0.000s
├── 7eeb6fe88104116c27c5650ddd83abf0
│ └── usr
│ └── local
│ └── bin
│ └── composer.bin
└── 7eeb6fe88104116c27c5650ddd83abf0phar:
└── usr
└── local
└── bin
└── composer
├── bin
│ └── composer.bin
├── src
│ ├── bootstrap.php.bin
│ └── Composer
│ ├── Command
│ │ ├── AboutCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── ArchiveCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── ClearCacheCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── Command.php.bin
│ │ ├── ConfigCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── CreateProjectCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── DependsCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── DiagnoseCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── DumpAutoloadCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── GlobalCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── Helper
│ │ │ └── DialogHelper.php.bin
│ │ ├── HomeCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── InitCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── InstallCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── LicensesCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── RemoveCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── RequireCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── RunScriptCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── SearchCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── SelfUpdateCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── ShowCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── StatusCommand.php.bin
│ │ ├── UpdateCommand.php.bin
│ │ └── ValidateCommand.php.bin
│ ├── Composer.php.bin
│ ├── Console
│ │ └── Application.php.bin
│ ├── Factory.php.bin
│ ├── IO
│ │ ├── BaseIO.php.bin
│ │ ├── ConsoleIO.php.bin
│ │ └── IOInterface.php.bin
│ ├── Package
│ │ ├── BasePackage.php.bin
│ │ └── PackageInterface.php.bin
│ ├── Script
│ │ └── ScriptEvents.php.bin
│ └── Util
│ └── ErrorHandler.php.bin
└── vendor
├── autoload.php.bin
├── composer
│ ├── autoload_classmap.php.bin
│ ├── autoload_namespaces.php.bin
│ ├── autoload_psr4.php.bin
│ ├── autoload_real.php.bin
│ └── ClassLoader.php.bin
└── symfony
└── console
└── Symfony
└── Component
└── Console
├── Application.php.bin
├── Command
│ ├── Command.php.bin
│ ├── HelpCommand.php.bin
│ └── ListCommand.php.bin
├── Descriptor
│ ├── ApplicationDescription.php.bin
│ ├── DescriptorInterface.php.bin
│ ├── Descriptor.php.bin
│ ├── JsonDescriptor.php.bin
│ ├── MarkdownDescriptor.php.bin
│ ├── TextDescriptor.php.bin
│ └── XmlDescriptor.php.bin
├── Formatter
│ ├── OutputFormatterInterface.php.bin
│ ├── OutputFormatter.php.bin
│ ├── OutputFormatterStyleInterface.php.bin
│ ├── OutputFormatterStyle.php.bin
│ └── OutputFormatterStyleStack.php.bin
├── Helper
│ ├── DebugFormatterHelper.php.bin
│ ├── DescriptorHelper.php.bin
│ ├── DialogHelper.php.bin
│ ├── FormatterHelper.php.bin
│ ├── HelperInterface.php.bin
│ ├── Helper.php.bin
│ ├── HelperSet.php.bin
│ ├── InputAwareHelper.php.bin
│ ├── ProcessHelper.php.bin
│ ├── ProgressHelper.php.bin
│ ├── QuestionHelper.php.bin
│ ├── TableHelper.php.bin
│ ├── Table.php.bin
│ └── TableStyle.php.bin
├── Input
│ ├── ArgvInput.php.bin
│ ├── ArrayInput.php.bin
│ ├── InputArgument.php.bin
│ ├── InputAwareInterface.php.bin
│ ├── InputDefinition.php.bin
│ ├── InputInterface.php.bin
│ ├── InputOption.php.bin
│ └── Input.php.bin
└── Output
├── ConsoleOutputInterface.php.bin
├── ConsoleOutput.php.bin
├── NullOutput.php.bin
├── OutputInterface.php.bin
├── Output.php.bin
└── StreamOutput.php.bin
32 directories, 87 files
✔ Abstract Syntax Tree!!
echo substr("abc", [1,2]);
% phan -a test.php
0: AST_ECHO @ 2
0: AST_CALL @ 2
0: AST_NAME @ 2
flags: NAME_NOT_FQ (1)
0: "substr"
0: "abc"
1: AST_ARRAY @ 2
flags: 0
0: 1
1: null
flags: 0
0: 2
1: null
% phan test.php
test.php:2 TypeError arg#2(start) is int[] but substr() takes int
✔ Exceptions on Fatals
function call_method($obj) {
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function method() on null in file:2
Stack trace:
#0 file(4): call_method(NULL)
#1 {main}
thrown in file on line 2
try {
} catch (Error $e) {
echo "Caught Exception: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
Caught Exception: Call to a member function method() on null
PHP 7 Exception Hierarchy
- Throwable
- ➥ Exception implements Throwable
- ➥ Error implements Throwable
- ➥ TypeError extends Error
- ➥ ParseError extends Error
✔ Return Types
function get_config(): array {
return 42;
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of get_config() must be
of the type array, integer returned in file:2
Stack trace:
#0 file(4): get_config()
#1 {main}
thrown in file on line 2
✔ Coercive Scalar Types
function logmsg(string $msg, int $level, float $severity) {
var_dump($msg); // string(1) "1"
var_dump($level); // int(2)
var_dump($severity); // float(3)
logmsg(1, "2.5 bananas", 3);
Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in file on line 2
✔ Strict Scalar Types
logmsg(1, "2.5", 3);
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to logmsg() must be of the
type string, integer given, called in file on line 7 and defined in file:3
Stack trace:
#0 file(7): logmsg(1, '2.5', 3)
#1 {main}
thrown in file on line 2
✔ Anonymous Classes
return new class($controller) implements Page {
public function __construct($controller) {
/* ... */
/* ... */
class MyObject extends MyStuff {
public function getInterface() {
return new class implements MyInterface {
/* ... */
✔ Coalesce Operator
$a = NULL;
$b = 0;
$c = 2;
echo $a ?? $b; // 0
echo $c ?? $b; // 2
echo $a ?? $b ?? $c; // 0
echo $a ?? $x ?? $c; // 2
✔ Spaceship Operator
function cmp_php5($a, $b) {
return ($a < $b) ? -1 : (($a >$b) ? 1 : 0);
function cmp_php7($a, $b) {
return $a <=> $b;
✔ Zero-cost Assertions
function test($arg) {
assert($arg > 20 && $arg < 110, "$arg is invalid");
ini_set('zend.assertions',0); test(16);
ini_set('zend.assertions',1); test(17);
ini_set('assert.exception',1); test(18);
Warning: assert(): 17 is invalid failed in file on line 2
Fatal error: Uncaught AssertionError: 18 is invalid in file:2
Stack trace:
#0 file(2): assert(false, '18 is invalid')
#1 file(6): test(18)
#2 {main}
thrown in file on line 2
; Completely skip compiling assert() calls
; (can only be set in php.ini)
zend.assertions = -1
✔ Added Closure::call()
$f = function () {
return $this->n;
class MyClass {
private $n = 42;
$myC = new MyClass;
$c = $f->bindTo($myC, "MyClass");
$f = function () {
return $this->n;
class MyClass {
private $n = 42;
$myC = new MyClass;
✔ Removal of many deprecated features
(Your PHP4 code will break!)
- ext/ereg (use ext/pcre instead)
- preg_replace() eval modifier (use preg_replace_callback() instead)
- ext/mysql (use ext/mysqli or ext/pdo_mysql instead)
- Assignment of new by reference
- Scoped calls of non-static methods from incompatible $this context
- dl() in php-fpm
- set_magic_quotes_runtime() and magic_quotes_runtime()
- set_socket_blocking() (use stream_set_blocking() instead)
- mcrypt_generic_end() (use mcrypt_generic_deinit() instead)
- mcrypt_ecb, mcrypt_cbc, mcrypt_cfb and mcrypt_ofb
(use mcrypt_encrypt() and mcrypt_decrypt() instead)
- datefmt_set_timezone_id() and IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID()
(use datefmt_set_timezone() or IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() instead)
- xsl.security_prefs (use XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs() instead)
- iconv.input_encoding, iconv.output_encoding, iconv.internal_encoding,
mbstring.http_input, mbstring.http_output and mbstring.internal_encoding
(use php.input_encoding, php.internal_encoding and php.output_encoding instead)
- $is_dst parameter of the mktime() and gmmktime() functions
- # style comments in ini files (use ; style comments instead)
- String category names in setlocale() (use LC_* constants instead)
- Unsafe curl file uploads (use CurlFile instead)
- CN_match and SNI_server_name stream context option (use peer_name instead)
✔ New reserved words:
- bool
- int
- float
- string
- null
- false
- true
- resource
- object
- mixed
- numeric
✔ 64-bit integer support on Windows
✔ Cleanup edge-case integer overflow/underflow
✔ Support for strings with length >= 2^31 bytes in 64 bit builds.
✔ Parse error on invalid numeric literals
$mask = 0855; // Parse error: Invalid numeric literal
✔ Uniform variable syntax
// left-to-right
// vs.
// support missing combinations of operations
[$obj1, $obj2][0]->prop
// support nested ::
// support nested ()
// support operations on arbitrary (...) expressions
// two more practical examples for the last point
(function() { ... })()
// support all operations on dereferencable scalars
// (not very useful)
[$obj, 'method']()
✔ Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax
echo "\u{202E}Right-to-left text";
echo " \u{26BD}";
✔ ICU IntlChar class added to intl extension
$int = random_int(-500, 500);
$bytes = random_bytes(10);
var_dump( $int );
var_dump( bin2hex($bytes) );
string(20) "bc78ec9f0ede8a1d260d"